counter hit xanga Resep masakan Lontong Bubur/Lontong Ayak Rice Cooker paling enak

Resep masakan Lontong Bubur/Lontong Ayak Rice Cooker paling enak

Resep Masakan Nusantara Berbagai Bahan

Resep masakan Lontong Bubur/Lontong Ayak Rice Cooker paling enak. Resep membuat Lontong atau Ketupat dengan menggunakan Rice Cooker. Cara membuat lontong kacau lontong padang ini simple banget. Selamat mencoba lontong rice cooker atau lontong magic com dan cara buat lontong kapur sirih ini.

Lontong Bubur/Lontong Ayak Rice Cooker Rice is rolled inside a banana leaf and boiled, then cut into small cakes as a staple food replacement of steamed rice. Lontong - #Delicious Traditional Indonesian Rice Cake. Lontong Cap Gomeh: rice cake with special yellow sauce from coconut milk, boiled egg and mixed side dishes. Kamu bisa membuat Lontong Bubur/Lontong Ayak Rice Cooker using 8 paling enak 9 dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut.

Cara membuat Lontong Bubur/Lontong Ayak Rice Cooker

  1. Persiapkan of Untuk Beras 2 gelas.
  2. Kamu perlu of Air 1 banding 4.
  3. Persiapkan of Air kapur sirih 1 sdm datar.
  4. Kamu perlu 1/2 sdt of Garam.
  5. Kamu perlu 3 gelas of Untuk Beras.
  6. Persiapkan of Air 1 banding 3,5.
  7. Kamu perlu of Air kapur sirih 1,5 sdm datar.
  8. Persiapkan 3/4 sdt of Garam.

Learn how to make Indonesian lontong (rice cake) the traditional way wrapped in banana leaves. Lontong or loosely translated as Rice Cake is very popular in South East Asia especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. It is made of rice grains wrapped and cooked in banana leaves. View Videos or join the Lontong discussion.

cara memasak Lontong Bubur/Lontong Ayak Rice Cooker

  1. Cuci beras.
  2. Masukkan ke dalam rice cooker bersama air, air kapur sirih dan garam, masak.
  3. Kalau sudah masak/lampu rice cooker sudah hijau/ menandakan sdh masak, biarkan 10/15 menit..
  4. Pindahkan dalam loyang tahan panas.
  5. Ratakan dan tekan tekan sedikit biar padat.
  6. Tutup dengan daun pisang atau kain serbet bersih 2 atau 3 lapis.
  7. Diamkan 4 atau 5 jam.
  8. Potong potong, masukkan dalam wadah tertutup.
  9. Siap disajikan dengan gulai lontong sayur, kuah sate padang atau kuah sate kacang.

Add Lontong to your topic list or share. Lontong sayur, lontong rice cake served with vegetables, tofu, and boiled egg in coconut milk soup, with krupuk and sambal, popular in Jakarta. Lontong Cap go meh Lontong is traditionally made by boiling the rice until it is partially cooked and packing it tightly into a rolled-up banana leaf. Lontong sayur is a favourite breakfast menu next to bubur ayam and nasi goreng. Lontong kari is lontong serve in soupy chicken curry and vegetables.